If you are like hundreds of moms in the world, you feel stuck in a corporate job, finding yourself day-dreaming about more time at home with your kids and running your own business from home on your own terms. Or perhaps you are at a point where you are seriously considering starting your own business. You know more than ever that you are so fed-up of not being your own boss, not owning the majority of your time, you don’t have as much control over your day as you would like to and your salary can only take you SO far. You want more time; you want more value out of your day and you want freedom. But the problem is that you are very unsure where to start. You might have millions of thoughts running through your mind and hundreds of what-ifs.
These are very valid concerns, but let me tell you today dear fellow mom – there have been thousands of moms who quit their jobs and made it for themselves. You know why? Because mom’s have a purpose. Moms have a real vision and moms know the value behind their dream. Their kids, their time and their vision to provide more value to their families.
So where DO you start? Well the short answer is, you don’t…not just yet.
You need to really understand what the entrepreneurial journey is about – because truth be told, although this journey is such a powerful and empowering journey where YOU can change your life and that of your kids so much, it is not going to be easy – at all. You see, dear mom, to be extremely honest – this type of journey is filled with roller coaster rides. The one day you are on top of the world, and the next you are doubting, your fears surface and you just don’t know how you are going to make it.
That is why I fully encourage a pre-business screening phase to find out if you are fully ready to start. Not only will it provide you with a lot of insight if this journey is for you, you will also lay the foundation of your successful journey in this step. The reality is that this journey is NOT for every mom out there. Some moms will just always function better in the corporate day-job environment, and who knows, some might even prefer it. But if you are like me and you want to be in control of your own life – eventually – and you can foresee the long term vision and success, you realize that the time is now to start rather than later and that you must carve out opportunity, where perhaps, there is none yet, then this might just be for you.
So, let me just dive into the 8 most important strategies to implement, BEFORE starting your OWN business.
THE most important strategy of your entire journey!! Having the right mindset is impeccable to your success if you want to pursue this dream. If the going gets tough, and it will at times, you need to draw strength from deep within yourself to keep you motivated throughout the tough times. You are going to have to decide that you are going to be firm, determined, take responsibility, ready to commit by saying YES and stick to it, for better or worse.
You need to know what is validating your decision. What is your value behind it, or simply, what is your WHY? Is it, like for me, the fact that you can spend more time with your children, have more freedom and control over your day? Do you want lasting financial freedom?
Next you need to figure out your WHAT? What is it that you dream of doing? This can seem very challenging to most people. The good news is that I have a little secret to share with you to figure out more easily how to find a purposeful online business idea. Here goes: Ask yourself, what is MY story? What is MY journey about? What big challenge have I overcome in my life and what have I learnt from it, that I can share with others and teach them to overcome too while making money from it. What is my story? Stories sell, you know! And your story is so important to building your brand and gaining real-life fans. My own example is that I was working in a corporate job and when I got pregnant, I quit – I wanted to stay home with my baby and start a business too. As I started my business and had more children, and as they changed into busy little toddlers with high needs all.day.long – I had to figure out ways how to incorporate and balance my business with having my kids home and homeschooling. This was super challenging and everywhere I went other moms asked me how I do it, and also mentioned that I am so lucky to be able to be home with my kids.
I realized that I could build a digital business that I was passionate about while sharing my knowledge and experience with other moms, so that I can help them too. This is a winning recipe and I am so excited – this, with my WHY which is my kids, keeps my eyes on the goal and it keeps me going! And I have a story that can really inspire and help other moms behind my why, too.
Lastly, you need to ask yourself, what is the ultimate satisfaction BEYOND your WHY? I have a feeling that the answer should be mutual for every business person out there. The answer is a simple…happiness. You can explore this thought and decide if it resonates with you.
Write down your promises to yourself to make this work and what you believe about yourself. You need to believe that you are more than capable to make this work, you are strong, able and willing. You can learn what you don’t know and you have the right intentions; if you want to you can and you will. Promise to not give up. Write down your Self Beliefs and make them positive. It is extremely important that you believe in yourself if you start this journey – even when doubt sets it – deep down you need to believe that you have exactly what it takes to succeed.
Take a few small steps at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too much to do with too little time – You are a mom and have a lot on your plate. Small steps at a time equals big progress over time. Some days I get an hour of work, others three – It is OK to go slow (some wisdom I picked up from Gary Vaynerchuk’s business inspirations, is to go slow to go fast – consistency and keeping going with small steps is much better than speed and overwhelm, or loosing focus). Some progress is better than no progress.
Life happens, especially in mom-life and you have limited time to work with to begin with. This does NOT mean that it is not possible to progress, get things done and grow your business. It just means that you have to accept that you will have to do it with strategy and while hustling your time and to-do list and you will have to compromise on expectations sometimes. You don’t want to be a stressed mom, therefore have realistic expectations, know it’s a process and know you will have to do some kind of planning.
Acknowledge you will have to hustle with time and be realistic – essentially use the time you have – life can get hectic with kids. Know that multitasking will be required. Also be realistic about quitting your desk-job if you have one – you will need to earn a consistent income to sustain you for a few months and see continual growth before quitting. This advice is not to put you off, I am being honest so that you can start this journey with clear expectations, which will put you into a position to succeed, which is exactly what I want for you!!
Think of a powerful motto or mantra that resonates with you and that will help you stay focused that you can repeat to yourself daily. My motto, that have always proven to be accurate and true, is : “There’s always a way!!”
When you feel discouraged, a VISUAL reminder of what is important to you and what your vision is for your future, will help you SO much to get you back on track. A good start is to go onto google and search or type out TEN power words, memes and pictures that describes your business goals, your why and your what. Plot them onto a cardboard and stick somewhere where you can be reminded of them DAILY. This is such a powerful strategy to keep your mind in line with your heart and long-term business dream.
Before you start, make the decision that you will be patient, that you won’t give up. Remind yourself that it is a journey, not a race. Do you think extremely successful entrepreneurial women out there gained instant success? I don’t think so. It takes time and the faster you accept it and relax if things sometimes progress slower than what you envision or hope for, the smoother your entrepreneurial ride will be.
Expect nothing idealistic. Do your best and be your own biggest fan. When you expect nothing, every win is an exceptional gain and feeling of accomplishment! It is much easier to be proud of your hard work and achievements, no matter how small, if you did not have unrealistic expectations about your progress.
So dear, beautiful working or stay home mom, who have BIG BizMom entrepreneurial dreams – this might sound like a lot to take on, but rest assured that you are NOT alone on this journey, if you decide to take the leap and embark. That first step, you know, to follow these 8 strategies, will put you on the right path emotionally and mentally. It is a beautiful, crazy, and so rewarding roller-coaster journey. And I am here to cheer you on every step of the way.
Below I link my ‘EMPOWERED MINDSET STRATEGY TEMPLATE’ for you to download and put real action behind these words and start your journey on the right foot.
Please DO reach out to me with any questions you may have – I am on this journey too, and I would love to encourage and support you if that is what will help you.
Please comment your thoughts below, I would love to connect with you!
As always, so much love, Alta
Please reach out with any questions and I would love to connect with you so Message, Comment and follow me anytime. You are going to love the value-packed journey that I take you on, but I also cannot wait to be inspired by your stories too. Hope you have a great day, lovely! . . .