Business structure for Moms is essential!! But it’s not JUST about implementing structure and that’s it. No, it rests on 3 huge business growth pillars:
Growing your Audience, Clarifying and building a good product offering and Implementing your business processes and systems effectively.
Growing your audience is the first pillar and the one thing that you can focus on even before you have a product or any processes or systems in place. Without an audience, there is no business.
1️⃣Grow your audience fast organically/free by integrating your online presence on Social Media, your website, blog and platforms where you can provide value and nurture leads. The goal is VISIBILITY and VALUE ADDED to connect people to you.
2️⃣Join groups, business community platforms and masterminds! Become part of communities online where your ideal client is a part of, or to get support from peers.
3️⃣Use paid advertising strategies to boost your organic efforts and speed up the process. Learn how to use paid ads cleverly and effectively and target your perfect audience so that you get the best return on your ad spent.
Growing an audience really is at the forefront of growing a structured business that in time will work for you more than you work for it.
Would you agree that it is a mom business owner’s ultimate dream?