
10 Empowering Reasons Why Moms Quit Their Jobs

If you are a working mom who might have considered leaving your job and getting off the corporate career ladder in order to stay home with your kids, or who want to quit, but you are afraid, unsure, scared, you don’t know how or where to start and need clear direction to start your business with confidence and direction, then the below empowering reasons might shed some light to help you take the final step on embarking on a magical journey of quitting your job to stay home with your kids, while building a business that offer you more time and freedom, that grows and supports you financially. 

What are the biggest reasons that will justify such a huge decision in order for you to quit your job? 

I mean, you might feel like you have poured years of time, education and growth into this corporate career journey, now just to step away from it all.  And I agree with you whole heartedly, you will need to have your reasons clarified and magnified in order to fully understand what drives this kind of decision.  Specially to gain confidence and surety that it is the right decision for you, that you won’t regret. 

I do think that there are many moms who cannot find clarity in why they should quit their job, even though they feel a burning desire to do so – and that is what this article is about.  To help you get clear if this is the right thing for you.   

So here goes. 

Moms quit their jobs because:


They have identified what is most important to them in this phase of life.  Their kids.  They want to be able to be there for their kids.  They need less time stolen by their 9-5 desk job, and more time at home.  They have a deep desire to be home with their kids.  They instinctively know there are immense benefits for kids to have their mom at home.  They don’t want to miss out on so much as when they work away from the home. 

Kids are only kids once, and it is so liberating to honor the phase in life we as moms are in.  Being home for your kids does not necessarily mean the kids HAVE to be homeschooled or be home all the time, it just means that you are home for them when they are either very little still and thus very dependent on you, or, if they are off to a school for part of the day, you are there, available for them and have more time to pour yourself into their lives when they are home with you, as opposed to you being away for work so many hours of the day. 

The lack of time with their kids does not justify the monetary rewards of a job and it causes anxiety.  They know that they do not want someone else to raise the children. 

There is no greater joy, than to see their child happy, healthy and thriving because they have their mom home with them. 


They realize that just because they no longer work for a boss, it does not mean that they cannot still make good money.  They become resourceful about multitude of opportunities and ways to make money from home and still thrive, be financially stable and live a bountiful and abundant life; just like when they were working in corporate!  If there weren’t, then there would be no moms who quit their jobs to stay home with their children. 

We live in an era where moms are driven, purposefully to provide meaning to their family life and the lifestyle they long for by monetizing their abilities, skills, journeys and stories.  Moms are more tuned in to what is possible and there are countless moms in the world who are influential and proving that it can be done – you can have a business that you own, that you run successfully, that makes you enough money to acquire the lifestyle you want.

They know and have truly come to believe that there is always a way.  


They want to have a choice and a say.  They want more time as a family.  They want their time to be their own.   They become excited to learn new things, to be creative and do the things that they want to do.  They learn about the variety of ways to work on your own terms, location independent. 


They know what is POSSIBLE in life (the power of having a choice).  A lifestyle they desire and yearn for.  Because their belief is that family needs to be together, they yearn for having control and choice in their day.  They want to fall in love with their kids again – and have the freedom and time to watch stars, climb trees, and more play play play!  They want to open their kids’ eyes to possibility and achievement when their kids see them succeed.

They believe it is possible to balance business and life.  How does the old saying go? “I would rather hustle 24/7 than slave 9-5.”  They know that they will be able to eventually find balance.

They know they can have it all, the lifestyle of their dreams.  They don’t want to settle for a mediocre or less-than lifestyle any longer.  They know they can have more time, control, freedom. 

The possibility of pursuing their passion / hobby as a new career possibility is real.


They grasp the debilitating effects of working a job.  The money earning possibilities of this era is endless.  Working in a corporate job will most likely have a monetary ceiling, but if you create your own products and go digital, you are able to develop and build products that are ever green with no monetary ceiling!! 

No more travelling/commuting long hours to and from work, which can be so incredibly time consuming and frustrating too.  They feel that they miss out on so much of life when they work and that that is not the life they want for their family.


They have a change of heart from aiming to climb the corporate ladder and define their success according to their corporate achievements, to just not wanting to a corporate career woman any longer.  Their eyes open to other more important inner growth and relationships as opposed to outer success. 


Childcare increasingly expensive – might as well stay home and build your own business.

THEY DECIDE TO DOWNSCALE THEIR LIFESTYLE AS NEEDED UNTIL THEIR BUSINESS GETS TRACTION AND START TO GROW.  While working in corporate, most people adapt their lifestyles according to their income.  Many people might even have acquired a lot of debt.  By setting up a plan of action, eliminating any truly unnecessary nice-to-haves, gives much room for saving money, downscaling and building your dream life from the bottom up.  I know of many people living in Hawaii, seemingly living the dream – but on closer inspection, they live an extremely minimalistic lifestyle.  They have identified what is more important to them, and the type of lifestyle they want in nature, more freedom etc. are more important attributes than having an luxury lifestyle with things that don’t matter in the bigger picture.   


They have faith in themselves and believe that money and abundance are reachable goals that they can attain.  Having the right mindset and beliefs about money and abundance and their ability to create it for themselves.  They have grown tired of waiting for others to save them – they are going to SAVE THEMSELVES.  A great deal of responsibility comes with this but they know that it is so freeing!


They realize that they can always return to the corporate world – there will always be opportunities and career doors that will open, but there won’t always be the opportunity to stay home with their children.  They would rather take the risk and go for what they want than looking back at their life regretfully and thinking “WHAT IF”… 


They understand that even the right decision for them will be scary. 

Any mom who will sit up a bit straighter and listen intent fully when someone poses the idea of an opportunity to work from home, work part-time and own, run and scale their own business and succeed on their own terms while balancing family life, will be scared AF too. 

So, if you have a burning desire to have more time to control your own days, to manage your own schedule, to have more time and more freedom for your family, then this is for you!

What I DO hear moms say is “it goes by so fast, I wish I could be there more”.  

Well I am here to tell you, you have the chance to BE THERE, it might be challenging at times, but it is possible and it is worth it!  YOU are worth it!  When you look back you will be so glad you went for it.

So dear, beautiful working or stay home mom, who have BIG BizMom entrepreneurial dreams – this might sound like a lot to take on, but rest assured that you are NOT alone on this journey, if you decide to take the leap and embark.  It is a beautiful, crazy, and so rewarding roller-coaster journey.  And I am here to cheer you on every step of the way.

Please DO reach out to me with any questions you may have – I am on this journey too, and I would love to encourage and support you if that is what will help you. 

Please comment your thoughts below, I would love to connect with you!  

As always, so much love, Alta

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